Zurich Seguros goes a step further in its commitment to sport and solidarity by launching a solidarity running project, promoted by the Z Zurich Foundation. Since 2020, the Z Zurich Foundation had the objective of contributing to the development of solidarity in running in Spain and this year it renews its commitment by donating 1 euro for each participant who reaches the finish line in marathons, half marathons and Women’s races. that the company sponsors in Spain, a total of 17 tests in which the amount collected will go to various charitable causes chosen according to each race. Through this action, the Z Zurich Foundation plans to allocate up to 750,000 euros to non-profit organizations during the three years that this solidarity project will last.
In recent years, Zurich has become one of the main sponsors of running, supporting the marathons of Seville, Barcelona, Madrid, San Sebastián and Valencia, as well as the half marathons of Barcelona, San Sebastián, Valencia and the nine editions of the Women’s Race that are held in different Spanish cities.
Each race sponsored by Zurich will be linked to a charitable entity or cause, which will be the recipient of the donations raised during the race. The project will begin next Sunday, February 19, with the Zurich Seville Marathon, whose donations will go to the Red Cross. Also the Edreams Mitja Marató Barcelona on the same date and the Zurich Marató Barcelona in March, in which the donations will go to the Institut Guttmann Foundation.
In the Zurich Rock’n’Roll Running Series Madrid, which groups the marathon, the half marathon and the 10,000 meter test, the beneficiary entity will be AEFAT (Spanish Association of the Ataxia Telangiectasia Family). For the Zurich San Sebastián Half Marathon and the Zurich San Sebastián Marathon, the recipient of the donations will be the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL). In the case of the Trinidad Alfonso Zurich Valencia Half Marathon and the Trinidad Alfonso Valencia Marathon, it will be the Friends of the Elderly Foundation and the Ronald McDonald Foundation respectively. Added to this are the nine editions of the Women’s Race, which will be held in various Spanish cities throughout 2023 and for each of which a charitable entity or cause will be chosen to receive the donations.
“We want to value the efforts of the runners, taking advantage of the great participation that these types of races have in Spain, and thus give visibility and support to different charitable entities and causes. In this way, runners will know that reaching the finish line has a double reward: not only for them, but also for all the people who benefit from the donation made,” says Cristina Gomis Rüth, Director of Corporate Responsibility at Zurich Seguros.
The objective is to promote sport with values, establishing a link between competition and solidarity that encourages more people to participate in these races and, especially, to train and prepare properly to reach the finish line. The donation from the Z Zurich Foundation will be made for each runner who finishes the race within the maximum time set, according to the official results of the organization of the test.
The Madrina Foundation has been rescuing, protecting, and supporting the most vulnerable children and mothers for 25 years, protecting them from violence, abuse, and social inequality. Its Madre Program receives more than 500 requests for help each month, providing shelter to nearly one million children over the past two decades.
Its mission is to provide the necessary resources and opportunities for a more dignified and secure future through maternal and child nutrition programs, rural housing and relocation, comprehensive healthcare, training for employment and entrepreneurship, medical support, and humanitarian aid in emergencies.
The organization acts as a protective shield for children and mothers in Spain and in other crisis and conflict zones around the world. We believe that behind every child at risk, there is always a mother in difficulty, which is why we work to empower mothers to strengthen the family, which we consider the most important company in a country, where she is the CEO. We understand that a strong mother builds a stronger future for her family.
We have a 24-hour emergency and listening service +34 900 649 198 | www.madrina.org