The ASOCIACIÓN DEPORTIVA MAPOMA (CIF G78184678), with registered office at calle Aniceto Marinas 52, 28008 Madrid, together with ELIPSE INCIATIVAS SL (CIF B81497695), with registered office at calle Invention, 6 28906 Getafe, organize the Zurich Rock´n´ Roll Running Series Madrid Marathon distance, which will be held in the city of Madrid on April 27th, 2025.
This ROCK’N’ROLL event is operated by an independent licensee of WORLD TRIATHLON CORPORATION, and the ROCK’N’ROLL service marks are used under permission.
This takes place over a distance of 42.195 meters, and can participate anyone who wishes, with a federative license or not, who is 18 years old on the day it is held.The race has an IAAF / RFEA approval certificate and is included in the International Calendar of the RFEA and World Athletics, and by registering in it the participant expressly consents that their basic data be transferred to these entities for the processing of the compulsory accident and liability insurance, as well as the management of the day license and popular ranking of road races. In any case and as established by the Data Protection law, the interested party may, in the future, exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by writing or email to the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation. Avenida de Valladolid nº81 – 28008 Madrid. E-mail:
Entries will be made exclusively through the official website of the race.
Those athletes who register after 00:00 hours on March 31st , 2025 will not be guaranteed the personalization of the bib number or the assignment of the starting corral according to the expected time indicated in the registration (in the case that the corral that corresponded to you based on your time was full, you would be assigned the next one in which there was space available).
To compete in any of the four adapted categories (wheelchair, functionally disabled, sensory disabled and intellectually disabled), the athletes must send their disability card to
Each blind or visually impaired (B2) athlete who requires one will have the right to be accompanied by a guide whose registration will be 100% free and will be made directly through the There can only be one guide for each athlete with visual impairment.
The numbers are personal and non-transferable. In the case you want to change the registration holder, you must follow the process set out in the “registration policy”.
Distance changes are allowed, as long as there are numbers available, according to the conditions set out in the “registration policy”. In no case will the organization return part of the amount paid at the time of registration.
The course is completely urban with a distance of 42.195 meters and has been officially recognized and approved by the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation (R.F.E.A.) and has an IAAF certificate.
The circuit will be completely closed to traffic and the only vehicles that will be able to follow the race will be those designated by the organization. The Local Police will expressly sanction unauthorized vehicles and bicycles.
All the handbikes, without exception, must be accompanied by a conventional cyclist, who will assist them in case of assistance in case of collision with participants on foot and at particular points of attention of attention of the course.
In order to improve safety and comfort among the runners and avoiding crowds on the route and at the finish line of the race, the organization will divide the participants into different starting waves according to the order of marks indicated on the registration form, being the time of departure of the first wave at 08:45.
The start of the wheelchairs modality will take place at 8.40 a.m., at the same time as the start of the the handbikes.
It is to be noted that the participants in handbikes will be placed in the starting arch behind the runners in wheelchairs, giving priority to the latter.
The race judges will give the necessary indications to respect this requirement.
There will be refreshment points at kilometer 5, 11, 15, 18, 23, 26.5, 29, 32, 35.8, 38, 40 and the finish line. The organization reserves the right to modify the provisioning points of the route for operational reasons. In that case, the change will be communicated to the runners immediately after the decision is made and in the final instructions distributed to participants two weeks before the event.
Le premier départ aura lieu à 8h45 et l’arrivée se clôturera à 16h35. La distance devra être parcourue dans ce laps de temps, en respectant également les temps partiels maximum par kilomètre.
In order to guarantee compliance with this article, the organization has established the following maximum times of passage through the following kilometer points:
Km | Maximum time |
0 | 10:15:00 |
1 | 10:24:00 |
2 | 10:33:00 |
3 | 10:42:00 |
4 | 10:51:00 |
5 | 11:00:00 |
6 | 11:09:00 |
7 | 11:18:00 |
8 | 11:27:00 |
9 | 11:36:00 |
10 | 11:45:00 |
11 | 11:54:00 |
12 | 12:03:00 |
13 | 12:12:00 |
14 | 12:21:00 |
15 | 12:30:00 |
16 | 12:39:00 |
17 | 12:48:00 |
18 | 12:57:00 |
19 | 13:06:00 |
20 | 13:15:00 |
21 | 13:24:00 |
21,097 | 13:24:52 |
22 | 13:33:00 |
23 | 13:42:00 |
24 | 13:51:00 |
25 | 14:00:00 |
26 | 14:09:00 |
27 | 14:18:00 |
28 | 14:27:00 |
29 | 14:36:00 |
30 | 14:45:00 |
31 | 14:54:00 |
32 | 15:03:00 |
33 | 15:12:00 |
34 | 15:21:00 |
35 | 15:30:00 |
36 | 15:39:00 |
37 | 15:48:00 |
38 | 15:57:00 |
39 | 16:06:00 |
40 | 16:15:00 |
41 | 16:24:00 |
42 | 16:33:00 |
42,195 | 16:34:45 |
In accordance with the RFEA competition regulations, the following categories are established:
Sub 20 | Born in 2006 and before April 27, 2007 |
Sub 23 | Born in 2003, 2004 and 2005 |
Senior | Born in 2002 and before until turning 35 years old |
M35/W35 | 35 to 39 years |
M40/W40 | 40 to 44 years |
M45/W45 | 45 to 49 years |
M50/W50 | 50 to 54 years |
M55/W55 | 55 to 59 years |
M60/W60 | 60 to 64 years |
M65/W65 | 65 to 69 years |
M70/W70 | 70 to 74 years |
M75/W75 | + 75 years |
According to the start format, classifications will be made using the clear time used by each runner to complete the distance.
The established classifications are:
NOTE: Athletes in wheelchairs that have no mechanisms or gears to assist in the propulsion of the wheelchair. Only pushing with the arms on the rim attached to the wheel is allowed.handbikes are excluded from any competitive classification, as their use involves cycling and not athletics.
The race for athletes in regulation handbike and athletes in other types of non-certified wheelchairs will not be competitive and they will not have their own ranking in their category
The organization will publish provisional classifications on its website on April 27th, from which time any claims deemed appropriate may be submitted. All classifications are exclusive competence of the Referee appointed by the RFEA Judges Committee, so any claim on them must be made in the form established for this function on the official results page before 8:00 p.m. on the Friday following the event. The organization will communicate the resolutions of the Referee within a maximum period of 15 days, after which the classifications will be considered official.
On the day of the race, the following trophies will be awarded on the podium located in the finish area:
The first three classified in each of the categories will be able to collect their trophies at A.D. Mapoma (calle Aniceto Marinas, 52 – 28008 Madrid) from May 13th to May 31th , 2025. From that date the right to receive the trophy will be lost, understanding the resignation.
The following economic prizes are established in the general classifications (male and Female):
Classification | Male | Female |
1 | 10.000€ | 10.000€ |
2 | 6.000€ | 6.000€ |
3 | 5.000€ | 5.000€ |
4 | 2.000€ | 2.000€ |
5 | 1.000€ | 1.000€ |
6 | 700€ | 700€ |
7 | 600€ | 600€ |
8 | 500€ | 500€ |
The prize money amounts will be paid in full only if the times for men are less than 2.11.00 and women 2.29.00. If the times run are more than the above, the prize money amount will be reduced by 50%. If the times run are more than 2.20.00 for men or 2.40 for women, the reduction will be 75%.
The following economic prizes are established in the Spaniards classifications (male and Female):
Classification | Amount | |
<:2:16:00 (Men) <2:36:00 (Women) |
>=2:16:00 (Men) >=2:36:00 (Women) |
1 | 1.250 € | 750 € |
2 | 750 € | 500 € |
3 | 500 € | 250 € |
In the case that the records of the Zurich Rock ‘n’ Roll Running Series Madrid are improved (2:08:18 in Men and 2:24:37 in Women), the first classified would obtain an additional prize of 5,000€.
The economic awards are understood as gross amounts and will be subject to tax withholdings determined by the Tax Agency.
The prizes will not be effective until the responsible authority has certified to the organization the results of the anti-doping controls, even for those athletes who have not been selected to undergo the control.
Nor will any trophies be awarded, except for those foreseen in the trophy delivery ceremony on the day of the competition in the finish area, until the results have been declared final by the Referee.
The following economic prizes are established in the wheelchairs classifications (male and Female):
Classification | Amount | |
<:1:55:00 (Men) <2:05:00 (Women) |
>=1:55:00 (Men) >=2:05:00 (Women) |
1 | 750 € | 375 € |
2 | 500 € | 250 € |
3 | 350 € | 175 € |
These prizes will be paid whenever times less than 1h55:00 in the men’s category and 2h05:00 in the women’s category are achieved. Men who achieve a time over 1h55:00 and women who achieve a time over 2h05:00 will have a 50% reduction in their prize.
The economic awards are understood as gross amounts and will be subject to tax withholdings determined by the Tax Agency.
The prizes will not be effective until the responsible authority has certified to the organization the results of the anti-doping controls, even for those athletes who have not been selected to undergo the control.
Since the race model established is NON COMPETITIVE, no trophies or cash prizes will be awarded.
Participants will be entitled to a finisher’s medal as long as they finish the race in the máximum time established.
According to the WA regulations, doping control will be carried out on runners (men and women) who are designated by the competition’s judging committee. The runners will present themselves for doping control provided with an official identification document. All participants are reminded that refusal to pass the doping control implies automatic disqualification for all purposes.
In the case that any control is positive, the affected participant will be deprived of all types of prizes (cash or not).
Participants must be in possession of a federative license or runner plus card, issued by the RFEA (Royal Spanish Athletics Federation) on the day of the race. Those participants who, prior to the race, are not in possession of a federative license or runner plus card issued by the RFEA, will be able to acquire the federative license for one day during the registration process.
The race will be controlled by the RFEA committee of judges. The timing will be done through the bibtag system. It is MANDATORY to use the bib numbers and chips (attached to the back of the same) that are given to the participants on the occasion of the event. Chips that have not been expressly delivered for this event will not be accepted. There will be controls at the start, on the course and at finish line, and all runners having to pass through all of them.
The following will be grounds for disqualification of participants in the event:
Given the serious damage caused to the Organization and the other runners of the event incurring in the aforementioned points, or in the case that any irregularity is committed such as taking part in the event without being officially registered in it or falsifying / photocopying the bib number assigned to another participant, etc., the Organization reserves the right to take the appropriate measures, in accordance with the applicable legislation. In this sense, the corresponding civil, criminal or administrative actions will be initiated to demand the responsibility of the offender. Those runners who are disqualified will lose the right to receive any prize.
It is strictly prohibited to cross the finish line accompanied by unregistered individuals. Runners who do not comply with this rule will be immediately disqualified. Only runners with authorized special needs will be permitted to cross the finish line with assistance.
All registered participants will be covered by a Civil Liability Insurance Policy and an Accident Insurance Policy, arranged by the organization through the RFEA (Royal Spanish Athletics Federation), which will cover accidents that occur as a direct consequence of the development of the race, and never as a derivation of a pathology or latent defect, injury, recklessness, negligence, non-observance of the laws and the articles of the Regulation, etc., nor those produced in the displacements to and from the place where it takes place the race.
All participants, by formalizing the registration, accept these regulations.Anything not specified in these regulations will be governed by the versions in force at the time of the race of the IAAF International Athletics Regulations and the RFEA Competition Regulations.
The ASOCIACIÓN DEPORTIVA MAPOMA (CIF G78184678), with registered office at calle Aniceto Marinas 52, 28008 Madrid, together with ELIPSE INCIATIVAS SL (CIF B81497695), with registered office at calle Invention, 6 28906 Getafe, organize the Zurich Rock´n´ Roll Running Series Madrid Half distance, which will be held in the city of Madrid on April 27th, 2025.
This ROCK’N’ROLL event is operated by an independent licensee of WORLD TRIATHLON CORPORATION, and the ROCK’N’ROLL service marks are used under permission.
This takes place over a distance of 21.097 meters, and can participate anyone who wishes, with a federative license or not, who is 18 years old on the day it is held. The race has an IAAF / RFEA approval certificate and is included in the International Calendar of the RFEA and World Athletics, and by registering in it the participant expressly consents that their basic data be transferred to these entities for the processing of the compulsory accident and liability insurance, as well as the management of the day license and popular ranking of road races. In any case and as established by the Data Protection law, the interested party may, in the future, exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by writing or email to the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation. Avenida de Valladolid nº81 – 28008 Madrid. E-mail:
Entries will be made exclusively through the official website of the race.
Those athletes who register after 00:00 hours on March 31st , 2025 will not be guaranteed the personalization of the bib number or the assignment of the starting corral according to the expected time indicated in the registration (in the case that the corral that corresponded to you based on your time was full, you would be assigned the next one in which there was space available).
The numbers are personal and non-transferable. In the case you want to change the registration holder, you must follow the process set out in the “registration policy”.
Distance changes are allowed, as long as there are numbers available, according to the conditions set out in the “registration policy”. In no case will the organization return part of the amount paid at the time of registration.
The course is completely urban with a distance of 21.097 meters and has been officially recognized and approved by the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation (R.F.E.A.) and has an IAAF certificate.
The circuit will be completely closed to traffic and the only vehicles that will be able to follow the race will be those designated by the organization. The Local Police will expressly sanction unauthorized vehicles and bicycles.
In order to improve safety and comfort among the runners and avoiding crowds on the route and at the finish line of the race, the organization will divide the participants into different starting waves according to the order of marks indicated on the registration form, being the time of departure of the first wave at 08:45.
There will be refreshment points at kilometer 5, 11, 18 and at the finish line.The organization reserves the right to modify the provisioning points of the route for operational reasons. In that case, the change will be communicated to the runners immediately after the decision is made and in the final instructions distributed to participants two weeks before the event.
The maximum time to finish the race will be 3:00:00.In order to guarantee compliance with this article, the organization has established the following maximum times of passage through the following kilometer points:
Km | Maximum time |
0 | 10:15:00 |
1 | 10:24:00 |
2 | 10:33:00 |
3 | 10:42:00 |
4 | 10:51:00 |
5 | 11:00:00 |
6 | 11:09:00 |
7 | 11:18:00 |
8 | 11:27:00 |
9 | 11:36:00 |
10 | 11:45:00 |
11 | 11:54:00 |
12 | 12:03:00 |
13 | 12:12:00 |
14 | 12:21:00 |
15 | 12:30:00 |
16 | 12:39:00 |
17 | 12:48:00 |
18 | 12:57:00 |
19 | 13:06:00 |
20 | 13:15:00 |
21 | 13:24:00 |
21,097 | 13:24:52 |
In accordance with the RFEA competition regulations, the following categories are established:
Sub 20 | Born in 2006 and before April 27, 2007 |
Sub 23 | Born in 2003, 2004 and 2005 |
Senior | Born in 2002 and before until turning 35 years old |
M35/W35 | 35 to 39 years |
M40/W40 | 40 to 44 years |
M45/W45 | 45 to 49 years |
M50/W50 | 50 to 54 years |
M55/W55 | 55 to 59 years |
M60/W60 | 60 to 64 years |
M65/W65 | 65 to 69 years |
M70/W70 | 70 to 74 years |
M75/W75 | + 75 years |
According to the start format, classifications will be made using the clear time used by each runner to complete the distance.
The established classifications are:
The organization will publish provisional classifications on its website on April 27th, from which time any claims deemed appropriate may be submitted.
All classifications are exclusive competence of the Referee appointed by the RFEA Judges Committee, so any claim on them must be made in the form established for this function on the official results page before 8:00 p.m. on the friday following the event. The organization will communicate the resolutions of the Referee within a maximum period of 15 days, after which the classifications will be considered official.
On the day of the race, the following trophies will be awarded on the podium located in the finish area:
The first three classified in each of the rest of categories will be able to collect their trophies at A.D. Mapoma (calle Aniceto Marinas, 52 – 28008 Madrid) from May 13th to May 31th , 2025. From that date the right to receive the trophy will be lost, understanding the resignation. No trophies will be awarded, except for those foreseen in the trophy ceremony on the day of the competition, until the results have been declared final by the Referee.
According to the WA regulations, doping control will be carried out on runners (men and women) who are designated by the competition’s judging committee. The runners will present themselves for doping control provided with an official identification document. All participants are reminded that refusal to pass the doping control implies automatic disqualification for all purposes.
In the case that any control is positive, the affected participant will be deprived of all types of prizes (cash or not).
Participants must be in possession of a federative license or runner plus card, issued by the RFEA (Royal Spanish Athletics Federation) on the day of the race. Those participants who, prior to the race, are not in possession of a federative license or runner plus card issued by the RFEA, will be able to acquire the federative license for one day during the registration process.
The race will be controlled by the RFEA committee of judges. The timing will be done through the bibtag system. It is MANDATORY to use the bib numbers and chips (attached to the back of the same) that are given to the participants on the occasion of the event. Chips that have not been expressly delivered for this event will not be accepted. There will be controls at the start, on the course and at finish line, and all runners having to pass through all of them.
The following will be grounds for disqualification of participants in the event:
Given the serious damage caused to the Organization and the other runners of the event incurring in the aforementioned points, or in the case that any irregularity is committed such as taking part in the event without being officially registered in it or falsifying / photocopying the bib number assigned to another participant, etc., the Organization reserves the right to take the appropriate measures, in accordance with the applicable legislation. In this sense, the corresponding civil, criminal or administrative actions will be initiated to demand the responsibility of the offender. Those runners who are disqualified will lose the right to receive any prize.
It is strictly prohibited to cross the finish line accompanied by unregistered individuals. Runners who do not comply with this rule will be immediately disqualified. Only runners with authorized special needs will be permitted to cross the finish line with assistance.
All registered participants will be covered by a Civil Liability Insurance Policy and an Accident Insurance Policy, arranged by the organization through the RFEA (Royal Spanish Athletics Federation), which will cover accidents that occur as a direct consequence of the development of the race, and never as a derivation of a pathology or latent defect, injury, recklessness, negligence, non-observance of the laws and the articles of the Regulation, etc., nor those produced in the displacements to and from the place where it takes place the race.
All participants, by formalizing the registration, accept these regulations. Anything not specified in these regulations will be governed by the versions in force at the time of the race of the IAAF International Athletics Regulations and the RFEA Competition Regulations.
The ASOCIACIÓN DEPORTIVA MAPOMA (CIF G78184678), with registered office at calle Aniceto Marinas 52, 28008 Madrid, together with ELIPSE INCIATIVAS SL (CIF B81497695), with registered office at calle Invencion, 6 28906 Getafe, organize the Zurich Rock´n´ Roll Running Series Madrid 10Km distance, which will be held in the city of Madrid on April 27th, 2025.
This ROCK’N’ROLL event is operated by an independent licensee of WORLD TRIATHLON CORPORATION, and the ROCK’N’ROLL service marks are used under permission.
This takes place over a distance of 10,000 meters, and can participate anyone who wishes, with a federative license or not, who is 18 years old on the day it is held.
The race has an RFEA approval certificate and is included in the International Calendar of the RFEA by registering in it the participant expressly consents that their basic data be transferred to these entities for the processing of the compulsory accident and liability insurance, as well as the management of the day license and popular ranking of road races. In any case and as established by the Data Protection law, the interested party may, in the future, exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by writing or email to the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation. Avenida de Valladolid nº81 – 28008 Madrid. E-mail:
Entries will be made exclusively through the official website of the race.
Those athletes who register after 00:00 hours on March 31st , 2025 will not be guaranteed the personalization of the bib number or the assignment of the starting corral according to the expected time indicated in the registration (in the case that the corral that corresponded to you based on your time was full, you would be assigned the next one in which there was space available).
The numbers are personal and non-transferable. In the case you want to change the registration holder, you must follow the process set out in the “registration policy”.
Distance changes are allowed, as long as there are numbers available, according to the conditions set out in the “registration policy”. In no case will the organization return part of the amount paid at the time of registration.
The course is completely urban with a distance of 10,000 meters and has been officially recognized and approved by the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation (R.F.E.A.).
The circuit will be completely closed to traffic and the only vehicles that will be able to follow the race will be those designated by the organization. The Local Police will expressly sanction unauthorized vehicles and bicycles.
In order to improve safety and comfort among the runners and avoiding crowds on the route and at the finish line of the race, the organization will divide the participants into different starting waves according to the order of marks indicated on the registration form, being the time of departure of the first wave at 08:00.
There will be refreshment points at kilometers 3, 7 and at the finish line.The organization reserves the right to modify the provisioning points of the route for operational reasons. In that case, the change will be communicated to the runners immediately after the decision is made and in the final instructions distributed to participants two weeks before the event.
The maximum time to finish the race will be 1:30:00. In order to guarantee compliance with this article, the organization has established the following maximum times of passage through the following kilometer points:
Km | Maximum time |
0 | 8:10:00 |
1 | 8:19:00 |
2 | 8:28:00 |
3 | 8:37:00 |
4 | 8:46:00 |
5 | 8:55:00 |
6 | 9:04:00 |
7 | 9:13:00 |
8 | 9:22:00 |
9 | 9:31:00 |
10 | 9:40:00 |
In accordance with the RFEA competition regulations, the following categories are established:
Sub 20 | Born in 2006 and before April 27, 2007 |
Sub 23 | Born in 2003, 2004 and 2005 |
Senior | Born in 2002 and before until turning 35 years old |
M35/W35 | 35 to 39 years |
M40/W40 | 40 to 44 years |
M45/W45 | 45 to 49 years |
M50/W50 | 50 to 54 years |
M55/W55 | 55 to 59 years |
M60/W60 | 60 to 64 years |
M65/W65 | 65 to 69 years |
M70/W70 | 70 to 74 years |
M75/W75 | + 75 years |
According to the start format, classifications will be made using the clear time used by each runner to complete the distance.
The established classifications are:
The organization will publish provisional classifications on its website on April 27th, from which time any claims deemed appropriate may be submitted.
All classifications are exclusive competence of the Referee appointed by the RFEA Judges Committee, so any claim on them must be made in the form established for this function on the official results page before 8:00 p.m. on the friday following the event. The organization will communicate the resolutions of the Referee within a maximum period of 15 days, after which the classifications will be considered official.
On the day of the race, the following trophies will be awarded on the podium located in the finish area:
The first three classified in each of the rest of categories will be able to collect their trophies at A.D. Mapoma (calle Aniceto Marinas, 52 – 28008 Madrid) from May 13th to May 31th , 2025. From that date the right to receive the trophy will be lost, understanding the resignation. No trophies will be awarded, except for those foreseen in the trophy ceremony on the day of the competition, until the results have been declared final by the Referee.
According to the WA regulations, doping control will be carried out on runners (men and women) who are designated by the competition’s judging committee. The runners will present themselves for doping control provided with an official identification document. All participants are reminded that refusal to pass the doping control implies automatic disqualification for all purposes.
In the case that any control is positive, the affected participant will be deprived of all types of prizes (cash or not).
Participants must be in possession of a federative license or runner plus card, issued by the RFEA (Royal Spanish Athletics Federation) on the day of the race. Those participants who, prior to the race, are not in possession of a federative license or runner plus card issued by the RFEA, will be able to acquire the federative license for one day during the registration process.
The race will be controlled by the RFEA committee of judges. The timing will be done through the bibtag system. It is MANDATORY to use the bib numbers and chips (attached to the back of the same) that are given to the participants on the occasion of the event. Chips that have not been expressly delivered for this event will not be accepted. There will be controls at the start, on the course and at finish line, and all runners having to pass through all of them.
The following will be grounds for disqualification of participants in the event:
Given the serious damage caused to the Organization and the other runners of the event incurring in the aforementioned points, or in the case that any irregularity is committed such as taking part in the event without being officially registered in it or falsifying / photocopying the bib number assigned to another participant, etc., the Organization reserves the right to take the appropriate measures, in accordance with the applicable legislation. In this sense, the corresponding civil, criminal or administrative actions will be initiated to demand the responsibility of the offender. Those runners who are disqualified will lose the right to receive any prize.
It is strictly prohibited to cross the finish line accompanied by unregistered individuals. Runners who do not comply with this rule will be immediately disqualified. Only runners with authorized special needs will be permitted to cross the finish line with assistance.
All registered participants will be covered by a Civil Liability Insurance Policy and an Accident Insurance Policy, arranged by the organization through the RFEA (Royal Spanish Athletics Federation), which will cover accidents that occur as a direct consequence of the development of the race, and never as a derivation of a pathology or latent defect, injury, recklessness, negligence, non-observance of the laws and the articles of the Regulation, etc., nor those produced in the displacements to and from the place where it takes place the race.
All participants, by formalizing the registration, accept these regulations.Anything not specified in these regulations will be governed by the versions in force at the time of the race of the IAAF International Athletics Regulations and the RFEA Competition Regulations.